1. Where is it being held?
Glenelg Beach South Australia. Location and accommodation options will be sent to you immediately after purchase.
2. What's the distance from airport?
8.4Km, 12 mins drive. $15 approx taxi fare.
3. Are there any parking spaces available?
The hotel offers parking for guests and overnight visitors. Here are the parking rates:
$4/hr, Maximum $20/day
; Overnight - $20.
If by any chance, parking spaces are full, there is an available alternative parking near by.
4. Is accommodation included in the purchase price?
No it isn't. You can choose and pay for your own accomodation in Glenelg. We provide you with suggestions and recommendations once you have purchased.
5. What time do we start and finish each day?
Thursday March 21sh and Friday March 22nd. We suggest you arrive a day early and leave a day after.
Please be at the venue on the day of the event at exactly 8:45am for the registration.
We start at 9:00am sharp. We finish at 5pm both days, so you’ll be able to catch an evening flight home if you need to.
6. What should I bring?
Just yourself and laptop. Workbooks, pens and everything you need will be provided.
7. Is there a dress code? What should I wear?
Clothes. Other than that, whatever you feel comfortable in. I’ll probably be in jeans and a shirt. You do whatever feels right for you.