Welcome on board!
Now let’s get you rocking.
Please fill in these details asap so our team can get working on your set up.
Enter Your First Name
Enter Your Last Name
Enter Your Email
Enter Your Mobile Number
Enter Your Company Name
Your Automation Information
1. Your Infusionsoft Details
a. Infusionsoft App URL:
b. Infusionsoft Username:
c. Infusionsoft Password:
2. Your Website Details
a. Website Login URL:
b. Website Username:
c. Website Password:
3. Your FTP Details
a. FTP Login URL:
b. FTP Username:
c. FTP Password:
4. Please provide links to your business logo:
5. Describe your ideal customer:
6. List of products/services you sell with a link to their pages:
7. List of landing pages that you have:
8. Please provide links to any images you would like us to use in your marketing automation:
9.Please provide links to any white papers,lead magnets or online brochures:
10. What are the 3 to 5 most important things you want to automate for you? (e.g. birthdays, appointment setting, monthly newsletters, focus, emails, customer surveys etc):
11. Please list any big sales or promotions that have been successful for you, and what month(s) you did them in?
12. Please provide your ideas for marketing opportunities for each month of the year - From January through to December - that would help your business (eg. Special reasons like Mothers day, Melboure Cup in November, End of financial year in June, Your businesses birthday in Month)
Get my automation set up!