In this episode, I'm gonna show you three things that you can use to take your business to the boom time. Let's get to it.
Hi, there and welcome. My name is Casey Gollan and this is episode 5 of The #ADD10GROWSHOW.
Alright, so, welcome back. It's been a busy week for me. I am bit of an athlete. I like to do my triathlons. And nobody knows but I strain my calf this week so I am a little bit hamstrung. I've had to compress it in ice and all those RICER (rest, ice, compression, elevation, rest) I think they call them that to try to recuperate my calf muscles so I can continue training.
So I think my wife is liking having me sleeping in in the morning just nowadays rather than getting up nice and early to go and ride or swim. Anyway, so hopefully your day is good as well. Let's get into this episode.
This is episode number 5 and I wanna talk to you about three key areas that you can use to grow your business to the boom time.
Now, if you have started with me and if you haven't, go back. The first episode is about the context. And I've got 2, 3 and 4 which is about Time, Money and Team. And then it's about, I don't know what the last one was about. But let's keep going into number 5. But this one is gonna take it to another level as well.
3 Key Areas To Grow Your Business
So, 3 key areas and I'm gonna go through them. First one is gonna be vision, next one is gonna be a strategy, and the third one is gonna be execution. If you can get these right, you can take your business from where it is now to the BIG time. So let's get into it.
Alright, so when you started your business, you're here, you got to here. This is where you are right now and you want to get to this level And you're watching this video, listening to it because you wanna be able grow your business.
You're looking for information. So let me put some GREAT information into that front of yours because you're a business owner, you're an entrepreneur, you're gonna be clever, you're super smart. I can just tell.
And if you can get some of these little gold nuggets as my clients would say, a bit of a goal and gold. If you can get a bit of goal and gold into you, you can grow this business to extreme levels. And I've seen this with my eyes with the clients I've worked with. So I hope that from me to you. Alright.
So your vision, your vision is what is it you are looking to achieve with this business. Not just financially, but what's the change you're gonna make on the planet with this business. Think past just the financial goal. Now I want you to do that, by the way.
So with your financial goal, still to look out. Okay, I wanna be a $1M business worth or $3M business worth or $30M business worth, $300M business worth. Still have that as a bit of a goal but plan out.
See it might go, okay Years 3, 5, 10, 20. I want you to start thinking of those 10 to 20 years to really expand what your vision is. And you usually underestimate that goal or that vision and you usually overestimate your short one like you're out of vision.
So to find your vision, there's some easy ways to do that but just guess, just guess.
Alright. We have Eddie and Mitch from BigCommerce and they did their vision on a napkin in a cafe. And their goal was they need to get to 10,000 customers. It could be 10,000 or 20,000, I could not remember right now. But their goal was to get to 10,000 customers within 12 months. That was a vision for years.
The Challenge
So my challenge to you is pick a vision for a year, 3 years, 5 years, 10 years. Whatever you choose, just choose the vision right now. That's where you wanna move your team.
Now, we talked about team and helping them build, helping enable them to build your business. So what they need is a vision. So if you've got any team, you got to have a vision. Where are you going? What are you looking to achieve? What's the impact that you wanna have on the world?
For example, one of the famous visions out there is a PC on every desktop or on every table, on every arm that was a vision. What's your vision to your product? Have your vision.
Then the next part is the strategy. So here's where you wanna get to, here's where you are. What's your strategy? In other words, how are you going to achieve that goal?
Now, that could be how you gonna do it with people, how you gonna do it with marketing, how you gonna do it with money. It could be a whole different areas. But how are you gonna do that? What is the strategy?
And then next and most importantly, the third one is the execution. Who are you gonna bring on board to help you with the execution of that strategy?
What I found in most small businesses when you start off and you get to where you are right now the execution is largely in the business owner's his hands and they can control that. But then as the business gets big and the business owners' time gets crunched they lose that execution time and it's up to the team to do that.
When You Get the Right People
And that's why it can really get shaky 'coz if you've hired a bad person or heard of someone that's dying I'm sure there's probably someone out there somewhere in the world that you know that is swearing right now about the staff that they've employed.
If you can get the right culture with the right character of people, and the right competence you can get then the right people that can build your business.
It does happen but if you go back to the episode on the team, if you can get the right culture with the right character of people, and the right competence you can get then the right people that can build your business.
So If you've got the right people they can build your business. The execution becomes easy bit. And that's the challenge as a business owner. So how do you find people that are gonna execute the strategy to achieve your vision? That's in the team section that I'll work with.
I work with 3 areas: TIME, MONEY and TEAM. And building the team or getting them in whether it's internally, as in the staff member, or externally, as in the contractor or the company that you are contracting to do strategies or the execution.
Execution Kills Most of Small Businesses
That's where you needed to get strong 'coz execution is what kills most small businesses. Why? Because the business owner is used to doing it themselves and they usually take on too much 'coz they are super confident, they're super clever people, they know they can do that execution. But, they just don't have the time anymore.
So if you are making money, buy the answers to get people in or to get contractors in that can do the execution for you. That if you are looking to go from here to where you wanna be. That's the secret.
Add10million is about adding team, and that's internally or externally. You are adding people that can do the execution based on the strategy and the vision they've got. It's super scary, you'll shit yourself at times but that's the pathway forward to multi-million dollar growth and there are smart ways of learning how to do that.
There's other episodes where I can touch on that. But three areas to take your business from where it is to the boom time is having a vision, defining strategy and then getting the execution right. Goodluck with it.
We're only touching the tip of the iceberg here in the show. And as I go further I can help you fill that out. And If you want to come on board in our coaching programs or our strategy, execution teams, feel free to do so.
If you love this episode and you got something from it, please, like it, share, tag all the people that you know would get value out of listening to this right now that are right in that situation where they needed to find their vision, the strategy and the execution. Get them on board, share the love and you take care.
Thanks very much for listening, thanks very much for watching. This is Casey, will talk again soon.
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