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In this Episode, I’m gonna give you 8 fundamental elements that you should be using to help accelerate your business growth and I'll give you pdf workbook to download. Let’s get into it!
Hi there and welcome. My name is Casey Gollan and welcome to this 8th episode of The #ADD10GROWSHOW where I'll show you how to grow your business at epic levels a lot faster and easier than ever before.
So hopefully you have gone through the past 7 episodes. They all kind of build on each other at the moment. And in this episode I am gonna be taking you through the add10 accelerator.
This is what I have known and what I have noticed, so not known. This is what I have learned from my about 20 years I have been growing businesses at epic levels. I wanna show you eight key elements that you should be using to help accelerate your business.
So as I go through these I want you to know this. Do you have it? Are you using it? And if you are using it and if it is not working for you what can you do to change it to make it better?
Get the pdf download on my blog. All you need to do is go to add10million.com and look for Add10 Accelerator and you should be able to get the download with the chart and with the workbook to help you get these elements into place in your business.
What's been happening for you? For me it's been super hot here in Adelaide. It's been like frighteningly hot. And my kids, they are all young having a tough time at night sleeping and so we're having a play without air conditioner trying to get them to sleep at night.
For me I am a little bit injured as well at the moment. I am a bit depressed about not being able to exercise. But on the good side of things I'm above the ground. I'm breathing, so let's get into this episode and I'll show you these 8 elements.
Alright! So to accelerate the growth in your business is 8 key elements that I recommend that you need to put into place.
First one is get yourself a coach and a world class one. If you are, if you have been following the episodes so far and you are looking to go up the progression chart, get yourself a world class coach that can help you progress your business and help you add multiple million dollar growth.
For me I don't know if you know enough about my sport. I figured you might have seen it in the videos so you might know. When I was growing up I wanted to be an athlete. I got injured a lot and I got into business and then did my business for about 7-18 years. And then I got back into my sport.
The first thing I did was get a coach and not just a local coach but a world class one. And that coach was Jarred Evans. He is now a US Triathlon coach and he's from Australia and he's a world class level. So he gave me world class programs.
And guess what I got? I got to go to the world championships. I got a silver medal in the world championships and that wasn't a mistake. It was purely planned and I put all these elements into place to help me do it.
I want you to do it in your business. And this is what I get my clients to do as well as myself. Whether it is in my sport, as I just used as a metaphor, or in my business. Get yourself a coach.
Your coach is gonna provide the structure. When I am doing my sport I get decision fatigue from my business. So I don't wanna have to think about what it is that I am going to be doing at a training session nor do I want to be googling at trying to be making it up on a fly.
I get program. It's on paper. I talk to my coach. I look at the piece of paper and I do the activities. That is so. It's quick and it's fast. So if you get a good coach they'll give you good structure of what you need to do, when you need to do it, and how you need to do it to get it done.
And that gives you speed. It saves you time. Yeah sure it might cost you a bit of money but you invest to get more back particularly in business. So that's a coach. That's a structure.
Part of the coach needs to give you is a strategy of how you need to do things. So for example, for me, I should go from a local athlete to the world champs. These are the strategies that we need to do.
It's prioritization. It's long slow distance stuff. Then we need to do threshold. Then we need to do some versatile VI2 max tough stuff and then we need to get into taper and then it's triathlon sounding athletic point of view.
You might not know the athletic point of view but you may go "Okay I need to get customers" or "I need to get better teams". What are the strategies that you use, that you got right now? Are you trying to google it and do it yourself or do you have a coach that can go "Here they are"?
Learn them. Put them into place in your business. Let's edit them. Let's get them going. It's just faster. So get the strategies from someone that knows what they are doing.
Then the resources. One of the big things about growing a businesses is there's lots of stuff we don't know as you go through different progression areas. And what you need to is access to the right people, the right things that can get you results fast.
So you need someone that you plug into that can go "Okay, you need to do this", "Here is where you need to go", "Talk to this person", or "Get this software", or "Get that programmer", or "Hire this type of person", "This is how to do it". And they just give you the information.
So once again you just take it, learn it, apply it and you're done. It's just speed. So plug into a coach that can give you all of these things so you can get stuff done super quick. For this is the one-on-one coaching model.
And this is what I did for a long period of time. The biggest mistake I made was I just didn't have this. There's a lot of people who wanna do one-on-one coaching which is fine.
But the power you get from a club and the power that you get from all the members that you are involved with as well as the one-on-one aspects of the club is so much more important when you combine them together than just have stand alone.
Let me explain. So with a club element for being in business, this is what you want. This is the big aspect of being in a club environment where you are in a mastermind or in a coaching club with other like-minded individuals that are highly achievement-oriented and progressing and pushing themselves to achieve epic things in their business.
If you are around those people you are gonna grow. It's just what's gonna happen. How can you tell if you're gonna do this? How can you tell if you're gonna grow?
Look at the five people that you hang around most right now. And look at what they earn and look at the time off they have and the success they have. And you're gonna be the average of those.
That's typically what you need to be aware of. Why? Because if you can then upgrade those 5 people that you're hanging around you can do a hell lot better. So, how do you do that?
Find a good club. And this is obviously what I do. Just talking about it. You can choose to join us or join someone else. That's up to you. But obviously I'd be saying join us each and everyday.
Why? Because we provide an environment for you. The quickest way to change anyone or anything is to change the environment. For example if you take an iceberg from the Antarctic. Pick it up and take it to the Sahara desert and drop it.
You'll change it in minutes because it'll just go boom! It'll melt because it's in the wrong environment. And that is what could be happening to you.
As a business owner what are the environments that you frequent? Who are the people that you mix with? Are they helping expand you or are they contracting you?
You need to be aware of that so you can grow. The environment is fertile. That is the fertile environment that helps you grow. A metaphor obviously is a tree. But just what it is that you wanna do?
So next, is the community. Who are the people that you are hanging around? Those 5 people? Who are the other people you hang around? Where do you mix with? If you are staying by yourself, that's great. But you're not expanding yourself.
For me I like to kinda do my own thing. But I know that I had to mix with other people that will take me to their level. Why?
Because I am competitive. Because I can learn things. I can share things and I am doing it with other people that are earning more than me. So I go to the next level and they are working less and they got a better environment or better family than what I have right now.
And so what I am looking to do is learn from them to get better on all the different areas of my life. And that's what I believe you should be doing for yourself as well. So what's the community that you're involved with?
I know some tremendous business owners that are just a lot older than me. A husband and wife that comes to mind here in Adelaide. They are just fabulous with how they've raised their children.
My wife and I, we've got 3 children. They are under the age of 8. And we really look up to this couple as someone inspiring us on how we can raise our children 'cause they've raised their children as leaders and as a team. And they work together as team.
They are unbelievably loyal to each other. And they are really well. And they are just good, inspiring human beings. And so those parents that we're talking about have raised kids that are inspiring. They are strong individuals. They are compassionate. They are understanding.
But they are their own people and that to us, for my wife and I, that's kind of a model we're looking taking into raising our kids.
How are you involved with someone that's looking in your community? Who are the people that are inspiring you to grow your business the way that resonates with you? So that's what I've been looking into is the community aspect.
Then as we move up here these things are all part of each of each of these previous ones. So the accountability. We get a coach that's accountable. If you got a wife or a partner or a husband that's accountability as well.
But are you getting accountability from your community, from your environment that you are in, the resources, the strategy, the structure and the coach that you are with? The more accountability that you get as a business owner.
Let's face it we can hide (laugh) we are our own boss who keeps us accountable. So look at the accountability elements that you have as a business owner to grow and to reach.
And the more accountability you've got and the people that can kick your butt at times, the more you might be able to progress up that progression chart and towards success. And likewise the accountability is great. It can keep you honest. It can keep you doing things.
But what about support? What about support when the times are going good and especially when it's going bad. Who is there to help you up?
Now for me, it's being in the right community, surrounded by other like-minded individuals that are doing the same things as I am in terms of growing a business. I've got a network of friends that are extraordinary business owners that are doing epic things here in Australia but also in the world.
And so the accountability and the community and the support that I get from them is terrific and I believe it's a great element to add to your support. No, not support but to your accelerator.
So if you can put all these 8 elements into place for you as a business owner it's gonna help you take your business from bust to boom in short periods of time and add epic business growth to your business.
So if you love this, what I would love you to do is tag, share, comment and tag all your friends that you believe who would need to hear, who needs to see where where they are.
If you know they are missing certain elements in their network, to help them accelerate their business tag them and show them this information so they can find out for themselves and free up their space.
Thanks very much for listening. In the next episode which is gonna be episode 9, I am gonna take you through the 4 major growth curves that I have helped my clients get on and maximized to take their business to the big time epic business growth.
So you take care. Talk to you on the next episode. This is Casey, talk soon. Bye.
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